Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My Italy Trip - Day 1 - March 3 - Milan

This is the first day here and I don’t want to put you to sleep with all the details of the meetings I had to have for most of the day. YUK!! Enough to say that they were long and boring and full of tiny detail that I have to know about but would rather not know. All the “yes Miss, no Miss, may I help, Miss?” shit is just too much!!

OK real quick for you girls and guys who don’t know. I’m sposed to be learning the family business and I have to take it over in a couple of years. I can’t really say what it is here, but it’s some pretty heavy and involved shit so the bean counters and minders and assorted wallys are trying real hard to teach it to me. Nuff said about that. :(

Once all the business shit was over it was pretty late so I grabbed some dinner and headed out to find the best place to party. Course nothing gets started til late so I just hit a coupla bars to kinda scope out the town. By the time it got to party time like around 11 I was quite pissed (oh that’s drunk to any Americans reading this). After dinner I started with light beer but by party time I was on Stollys. I wasn’t too fucked up but I had that kinda warm and a bit fuzzy buzz . Yknow what I mean.

Somehow I ended up at a club called Hollywood Rythmoteque with a guy called Luigi (I shit you not that was his name). We danced for a while but my arse was sore from being grabbed by guys on the dancefloor so we found ourselves outside and looking for a new place. Luigi had a car so we headed off in search of some cool clubs. On the way he kept reaching across and grabbing my tits. He was nice though so I didn’t take his hand away. Anyway, I was horny and like I said I was a bit pissed. He nearly crashed us off the road when I went down on him. He had to pull the car over and right there in the middle of fuckin downtown Milan he dragged me over into the back and fucked me. It was ok I guess but he had a really small cock and I had my head squashed up against the door handle until he came and we were back in front and off driving again.

We landed at Café L’Atlantique next. That’s a cool place. Kinda new and lotsa beautiful chicks in really really tight gear. I danced with a few guys but after a while it was just chicks. Now you’re gonna think I’m a real bitch but I wound up ditching Luigi and went to another club called Propaganda that’s just brilliant with one of the chicks, Ursula. We danced and drank and snogged on the dancefloor until maybe 3 o’clock and she asked me to go home with her.

Ursula’s place was tiny but it had a balcony with a bit of a view. We leaned on the railing for a while talking til it got way too cold and we went to bed. She was real nice and just kinda held me til we got warmed up. It was such a warm feeling to be wrapped in her arms. It’s not my usual style but we played with each other real slowly and came just as slowly then just drifted off to sleep.

The morning was like that Hugh Grant movie. I looked at the clock beside the bed and jumped up. All I could say was “fuck fuck fuck”. It was 8 in the morning and I had a meeting at 9 and didn’t know where the fuck I was. Ursula woke up and wanted to play but I just told her I had to go quick. She was so cool about it. She got up and drove me back to my hotel on her scooter. Yeah don’t worry I got her number. More about her later. ;)


At Wednesday, March 08, 2006 11:16:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great start! I'm sure Luigi has a fantastic story to tell whether he was left behind or not. I can't wait for more.

At Wednesday, October 25, 2006 1:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honey.. next time you come in Milan.. email me.. I make you try my big cock!! ;-)


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